2017 Copp-Dash Inspire Award Winner

Supporting Small Teams with Big Goals in the High Mountains

“The Inspire Award is not just a climbing expedition grant,” says Jonathan Thesenga. “One thing we all learned from Jonny and Micah is that it’s as much about the stories and experiences that we take away from our climbs, as the climb itself. This award has been designed to support small teams with big goals in the high mountains and empower them to bring their adventures back and share their stories of inspiration.”

Tino and Alan have been awarded the 2017 Copp-Dash Award to capture the crazy, wild, often goofy adventures in an upcoming expedition to India.  This award is particularly meaningful as Jonny and Micah inspired me to go on climbing expeditions in remote parts of the world through their adventures, captured on film, on the Shafat Fortress.
